Friday 19 October 2012

Camera movement

Eminem's Beautiful inspired me what to do in terms of camera and movement in the video. His music video has movement all throughout, without any static shots. Camera movement in a video is very important because it makes the overall video flow more, and more appealing and less boring. We decided to use a tripod for our filming of the chorus' near Smithfield's Market for example, but then do everything else hand held to give our video movement and more appeal.


I picked out a scene from the beginning of the video which best showed movement of the camera. As you can see, from these few seconds of the artist walking, the camera does not once stay still. It is moving throughout even when the artist is moving, making it seem like the camera is following the artist- this looks much better than it would if the camera was just idle and recording the movement because it's more interesting to look at.

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