Friday 21 September 2012

Function of a music video.

Music videos are a way of helping to promote an artist and their songs. An artist or band cannot rely on their own merits to become popular. The songs need that video added to them in order to gain the recognition & generate the revenue artists desperately need to keep their recording contracts.

Music videos are said to be important as it adds to the overall experience of listening to music by giving the audience a visual representation of the song as well. However it's main function i believe is to advertise the song or the artist . For example if there was no video the only way someone would be able to hear it is through radio and mp3 however by there being a video we'll be able to acsess it on music channels , youtube , Facebook and twitter. Videos are also important as they bring out a new dimension to a song and allow artists to shape their image.

I learnt that the order of events of a song is; 1st verse, chorus, 2nd verse, chorus, 3rd verse, chorus, bridge and finally the outro.

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